Motivated seller/landlord. Located on the deep side of lake, amenities include - multiple lake entry points - boat dock - cliff tram - 2 pools - 2 hot tubs - fitness center - hey bball court - tennis court - walking trails - exterior maintenance - landscaping - gated community - wifiThis property is managed by a trusted partner
Elementary SchoolLake Travis
Middle SchoolHudson Bend
Senior High SchoolLake Travis
School DistrictLake Travis ISD
general info
2 yearstime on sunroom
1997year built
Feb 9 - Mar 11 available for move-in
tile floors
carpet floors
1 space
Tour Status: Home is not open for tours. This property is not currently available for leasing.
Application Status: Home is not accepting applications. This property is not currently available for leasing.
Utility information.
Utilities the renter is responsible to pay for in addition to rent: